Abstract Preparation Guidelines
- Abstracts will be accepted only in summary form and must be submitted via the online system. Abstracts shared via email or other methods will not be considered. After logging into the online abstract submission system, you can follow the necessary steps to submit your abstract to the Scientific Committee.
- You can access all details regarding your abstract with the username and password you create.
- Abstracts should not exceed 300 words. The system does not allow submissions exceeding this limit.
- All abstracts will be reviewed electronically by the Abstract Evaluation Committee. Acceptance/rejection letters will be sent to the email addresses provided in the system.
- Abstracts of participants who complete their presentations and registrations after the summit will be included in the Summit Abstract Book and shared digitally on our website.
- Oral presentations will be selected by the Abstract Evaluation Committee in accordance with the scientific program and session limits.
- The deadline for abstract submission is March 16, 2025.
Poster Preparation Guidelines
- Abstracts should be written in clear and proper Turkish.
- Use Times New Roman, Arial, or Courier as the font type.
- Titles, author names, and addresses should be prepared using font sizes 26-40 points, while other sections should use at least 16-18 points.
- The presenting author must complete their summit registration.
- Posters not displayed during the summit will not be included in the Summit Abstract Book prepared afterward.
Oral Presentation Preparation Guidelines
- Accepted oral presentations must be prepared using the slide templates provided by the organizing comittee.
- Times New Roman, Aria lor Courier should be used as the font type.
- Titles, author names and adresses should be included.
- Presentations will be conducted on the dates and times determined by the organizing committee.
- Details regarding the duration of oral presentations will be specified in the acceptance letters.
- The presenting author must complete their summit registration.
- Presentations not delivered during the summit will not be included in the Summit Abstract Book prepared afterward.